Its a Mind Game…

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I Wish…

Posted by Neeraj Kumar on December 31, 2007

And here comes another year. The only thing that is going to excite most of us is the new set of hope nicely packaged in the comfort of our imagination that it brings along. Most will look forward to the new year rather then reflect on the year gone past for the fear what it might reveal. As we go around wishing for ourselves (and others) a “happy” new year, most will not have any clue what kind of happiness they are wishing for. In order to wish, one needs to have the will to act. In the world where all it takes to fall in “love” is a glance from top to bottom, where celebrities who spend more time in the rehab define our lifestyle, where we continue to be seduced by glamour instead of success, where we feel more comfortable living our lives on Facebook and Orkut, where it is just too difficult to prevent people from making ass of themselves, one can only hope that people learn how to live. If life is a game it takes more than a resolution in a pub to develop the ability to play against the odds. And if life is about fairness, it takes far more to be fair to one’s conscience.

Oscar Wilde said, “One’s real life often is the one he doesn’t lead.” He definitely had a point.

4 Responses to “I Wish…”

  1. kris said

    nice post. i’m thankful my life’s not defined by celebs and the media, but i do see a lot of it happening around me. feels good to hear one sharp, clear voice in a sea of mumblings of “happy new year”. let’s make a decision to do what’s best, not what’s easiest.

    may you be truly happy this year.

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